some ppl...

Have better friends then they deserv. LOL
You'll be surprised when you log on to PE next time m8.
Ok, I own you 40 ped but instead I got you almost all TPs by now and I plan to continue. Feels good to be playing like a noob again. LOL



Blunked said...

The cheek of it mate !

You know thats about 2 weeks worth of sweating , 40 peds !!! *$#!@!!

Mr. Larsson said...

Ok, update, you're officially not a noob anymore. As of 1am today, European time, you have all the TPs in the game. To celebrate this I went to PA with your avvie and offered "Nudepogo" 1 ped/minute but there was no buyers. So I guess I have to pay you those 40 peds or sell the Lesser TP-chip I bought for 'em. LOL Oh btw, I repaired your axe and blasted off some probes to... we'll do a countover when you get back, I'll pay you anything you think I own ya. But I had to be able to defend myself and it's damn boring to run. LOL

Blunked said...

Lmao you ass, i bet u did too, ahh the shame of nudey pogo dances !!

You will ruin my reputation in game mate , i usually do that for free ;)

I didnt even know i had 40 peds to be honest :)

I logged in the other day, but it was all grey and unplayable so off it went to the trash bin.

BTW its owe not own :)

Vixen78 said...

LMAO!!! poor Blunked... he's gonna finally be able to log in and he'll be naked and pedless :P What are friends for lol!!!

Mr. Larsson said...

Hehe... fyi you had/have over 200 peds m8, rich guy.

btw... it's not my lingo, you're welcome to speak swedish any day. LMAO

Who says I didn't do it for free after my first try? Even convinced a friend to try and make you a thong, black leather with studs, but MA sure is lame when it comes to that. LOL

hehehe... naked and pedless, sounds like when I joined the army.