Good To Have Y'all Here

Nothing throws out a routine like, going to vegas , getting married ,leaving your country behind and more importantly Timezone !

Its been hard to keep in touch with the people i have got accustomed to through the years, Real life and more so Internet life.

So Thanks go out to you all for being here . It took blood sweat and a lot of heart ache to get you to all commune with me here, as you all prolly know the laptop here isn't something you will see in bill gates home or office or toilet facilities in limoseine/bus .

So this is my home away from home right now and i love the blogs you guys already have going on here . I know get the whole 'BLOG' thing .

anyway RANT OVER you guys rock !

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I just popped on quickly to see what's going on ("Get back to work!" i hear my boss saying in the back of my mind - ooops!) and how nice of Blunked to write this sweet post! Thanks to you blunked for starting this blog up! It's nice to see little bits of peoples thoughts splatted on the page and i've never been involved in a shared blog before, so what a fun new experience! And i love hearing the Vegas updates - keep them coming!

And i have to say, on a random note.... i'm loving the Lamp Pics - who's brilliant creation is that? It's great!!! heheh :)