So life is good today.
We went to the immigration USCIS office today at 8 am , which means we was up at 6am 0.0 , Great relief in the guy informing us that even though my visa free stay here ends in 8 days, aslong as i send the documents before the 18th , no one is going to come and kidnap me and take me to england !
Also the process will take about 6 months all together, YET he also said the E.A.D , Emplotment Authorization Document will take no longer then 90 days ! SO good news all around here. We was so relieved to actually talk to someone ,rather then going it alone from the website. That we went and splurged on a nice slap up breakfast. Well I had chocolate chip pancakes dripping in butter and syrup *drool* ....
I joined a gym last week too , just on a FREE one week trial. I hooked up with a workmate of beckis ,and took to a hour and half of shadow boxing in a non-air conditioned sweat box . Which is why when i go out now in the heat it doesnt feel so bad lol. Enjoyed every minute of it even though it was rather intimidating at 1st , as you all prolly know im only 4lbs wet through and having to do sit ups and push ups squeezed next to 2 big sweaty guys was a real kodak moment im sure. It was amazing and will be returning full time once cash is not a problem . The gyms name is "Fight Club " which had me thinking of the movie but was nothing like it hehe :)
On a geekier level.
Unable to play EU and SL , and not being able to Photoshop or anything that requires MORE POWER CAPTIN !
I have resorted to 2 other MMO's ...
Star port GE http://www.starportgame.com/gallery.php
A Build em up / Shoot em up , Space trade / Colonize and destroy others kinda Frontier Elite type 2d game ....
Anarchy Online ..... http://www.anarchy-online.com/
Nearly 7 years old. (runs on my laptop ok ;) AO is a MMORPG ...
Not just your regular , Run / Shoot / Level mmo. Its REALLY REALLY Huge and deep . With about 15 different starting professions to choose, from Martial Artist to Agent and Trade to technician its fun being a noob all over ( Like i have ever been anything else) .
I dunno... Maybe Im just addicted to the innocence of being a noob, I love it !!! I've played too many MMO's to count.
These latest 2 are OK . Im sure when I get SL and EU back up and running ,I'll long forget these. I miss everyone in the online world who i have got to know in the last few years of me excercising my Nerdyness .
Moving along .... I've been back in the Digital Studio , chopping and mangling all kinds of sounds in an attempt to have some one say "hey that sounds like music " . Also I do plan on updating the Mix website with some more tunage....
SO thats it i think....
Went out last night to the strip with the wife. I even tipped a couple of times . GRRRRR!!

Money helps here in Vegas, But we got by in style lol, by playing the 1 cent slots and waiting for the bar girls to shout "Drinks ... Cocktails " ... and tipping her a dollar or two ;)
wow m8, it's great to hear that the ball is rollin'. And it's ALWAYS better to talk to a real person, they can take all their webpages and machines... NOTHING beats a real live person, except in 1 matter, you can curse to a machine without getting a reaction, if you curse to a live person you might end up with more then you bargained for.
Keep the spirit up m8, you'll have a GC in no time.
Fabulous news! Rock on you two!! The US gov ain't all that bad - they can even be quite efficient when they want to be, ha! And thanks for including snaps on the blog, you guys look so cute and happy! :)
oh and how funny is that mental image of you squished between the two burly sweaty blokes doing sit-ups, good on you for getting to the gym! i bet you were so proud of yourself, hehe, well you deffo should be!
Awe... cute pics! Glad to hear that things are working out for you... You'll be breathing a sigh of relief once it's all official.
Best of luck to both of you!!
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