My wifes rant....
...he thinks a nice bikeride with the family is 40kms long.
...he says "you can fix your own flattires"
...he thinks a good vacationtrip is to go to the alps and try some of the hills from Tour deFrance.
...he thinks a good birthday gift is a new handlebar for your bike.
...he thinks you like the taste of energypaste as much as he does.
...he wants you to help him shave his legs. come home from work and find one of his bikes in molecules all over the dinner table.
...he thinks you giving him a leg massage is a good substitute for sex.
...he washes parts in gasoline in the bathroom sink.
...he thinks tuna and pasta is a "good" meal.
...his exercise clothes are growling at you in a corner on wash days.
...he thinks that a perfect gift from you is a carbonfibre bottleholder.
...he thinks it's ok to watch a romantic movie on his trainer while you sit alone in the couch.
...he thinks it's ok that he wears his pulsewatch during sex.
...he spends more money on cycling clothes and shoes then on normal clothes.
...he starts to talk about saddles in bed.
...his alarms goes off in the middle off the night, just so he can get up and take some food compliment.
...he tries to explain why he really needs that sixth bike. get jealous on his bikes.
I guess she's right and sometimes I can't understand how she stands this.
Good To Have Y'all Here
Its been hard to keep in touch with the people i have got accustomed to through the years, Real life and more so Internet life.
So Thanks go out to you all for being here . It took blood sweat and a lot of heart ache to get you to all commune with me here, as you all prolly know the laptop here isn't something you will see in bill gates home or office or toilet facilities in limoseine/bus .
So this is my home away from home right now and i love the blogs you guys already have going on here . I know get the whole 'BLOG' thing .
anyway RANT OVER you guys rock !
best part of it, when you knew this would happen since a week, and everything goes as predicted... and you only predicted it to avoid it happening, and those who you predicted it to have nothing better than fuck it up despite to your best effort.
so pleased.. da jaco ;)
Yay! Blender-Sculpties becoming fun now
after a long journey into sculpty prims, searching for a good and easy way to build sculpties and not really finding one... i managed to find some really helpful scripts to extend blender, wich make working on sculpts really easy and precise.
first you want to download these scripts:
after this you might want to watch the video-tuturials on
The cost of selling - PRICELESS
I should have done better at school and college , got a career ... You get the jist...
So right now i am poor, and poorer due to the fact i cant work for 90 days due to not having my work permit here in the USA.
Dumb and poor , not a good combination , when I passed a pawn shop here in Las vegas after sending my Immigration paperwork to the powers that be. Hmmmm I was wearing my watch that cost me a weeks wage back in the UK.. Why not !
After handing the lady the watch, she taps away on the PC , a few minutes pass, and then a few more,,,, then she calls someone else over,,,,, they both utter under their breaths for a few more minutes....
"Sorry sir ... I cant give you a value on this watch , but we could hold it for a $20 pay day loan"
I politely and smilingly decline the young ladies offer. I enquire to why no price could be established.
"well ,,,, we are only getting non american sites up,,, and they have a number , and a funny symbol infront of the number "
OH ?!!?!?!?!?!?! ....... Can I have a look myself at this mysteriously alien marking that is baffling these two young shop assistants...
" Its like a backwards 3 " she tries to draw it in the air like that helps ...
I reach my head around, leaning over the desk...
(insert lightbulb above my head and harmonious choir music) HALLELUJAH !
Thats a pound sign ........
Both ladies smile...... "You do know what a pound sign is " ????!??!?!? i ask,
Both look even more bemused... " uuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmm"
"we cant give you a price if its not in dollars"
I politely decline the $20 payday loan once more before leaving feeling like the love child of Einstein and steven hawkins ( some might argue i DO look like this anyway).
In Conclusion , I might not be scraping the barrel as low as I thought for many years.
Just an update

So life is good today.
We went to the immigration USCIS office today at 8 am , which means we was up at 6am 0.0 , Great relief in the guy informing us that even though my visa free stay here ends in 8 days, aslong as i send the documents before the 18th , no one is going to come and kidnap me and take me to england !
Also the process will take about 6 months all together, YET he also said the E.A.D , Emplotment Authorization Document will take no longer then 90 days ! SO good news all around here. We was so relieved to actually talk to someone ,rather then going it alone from the website. That we went and splurged on a nice slap up breakfast. Well I had chocolate chip pancakes dripping in butter and syrup *drool* ....
I joined a gym last week too , just on a FREE one week trial. I hooked up with a workmate of beckis ,and took to a hour and half of shadow boxing in a non-air conditioned sweat box . Which is why when i go out now in the heat it doesnt feel so bad lol. Enjoyed every minute of it even though it was rather intimidating at 1st , as you all prolly know im only 4lbs wet through and having to do sit ups and push ups squeezed next to 2 big sweaty guys was a real kodak moment im sure. It was amazing and will be returning full time once cash is not a problem . The gyms name is "Fight Club " which had me thinking of the movie but was nothing like it hehe :)
On a geekier level.
Unable to play EU and SL , and not being able to Photoshop or anything that requires MORE POWER CAPTIN !
I have resorted to 2 other MMO's ...
Star port GE
A Build em up / Shoot em up , Space trade / Colonize and destroy others kinda Frontier Elite type 2d game ....
Anarchy Online .....
Nearly 7 years old. (runs on my laptop ok ;) AO is a MMORPG ...
Not just your regular , Run / Shoot / Level mmo. Its REALLY REALLY Huge and deep . With about 15 different starting professions to choose, from Martial Artist to Agent and Trade to technician its fun being a noob all over ( Like i have ever been anything else) .
I dunno... Maybe Im just addicted to the innocence of being a noob, I love it !!! I've played too many MMO's to count.
These latest 2 are OK . Im sure when I get SL and EU back up and running ,I'll long forget these. I miss everyone in the online world who i have got to know in the last few years of me excercising my Nerdyness .
Moving along .... I've been back in the Digital Studio , chopping and mangling all kinds of sounds in an attempt to have some one say "hey that sounds like music " . Also I do plan on updating the Mix website with some more tunage....
SO thats it i think....
Went out last night to the strip with the wife. I even tipped a couple of times . GRRRRR!!

Money helps here in Vegas, But we got by in style lol, by playing the 1 cent slots and waiting for the bar girls to shout "Drinks ... Cocktails " ... and tipping her a dollar or two ;)
some ppl...
You'll be surprised when you log on to PE next time m8.
Ok, I own you 40 ped but instead I got you almost all TPs by now and I plan to continue. Feels good to be playing like a noob again. LOL
I really really really want to dropkick all the youtube ghost hunting video cast members and their families
I know its been a while , (insert real life excuse) but im sure to tell a tale of ghooooooOOOOooolish grimace... (not the purple mcdonalds blob,).
Actually im not.
I'm just going to throw some random crap out there because its been on my mind a few days and I was hoping to tie it all in together cleverly (insert real life excuse no.2)
So monsters !!!!
Big.... Scary ...Blood sucking bats n stuff...
So , what is the deal with these 'Ghost hunters' ....
Lemme explain like this ...
One day i decide to go fishing . I take equipment needed to catch said fish .
I goto a lake with fish in it in the attempt to catch a real geniuine 'bite my teeth into' fish.
I use the equipment and hook the fish and take fish home with me for everyone to see.
So then i decide to catch a ghost . I get equipment to capture a ghost ... (camcorder)
I goto a big spooky scary house which has locals scared to death just to walk past it at night.
I film myself in night vision mode. Hear something . Throw the camera all about pointing at the floor mainly . 'SEE A GHOST'..... And then,,
Here is where a fishman , and a ghosthunter differs....
And then, Proceed to run as fast as i can screaming in the total opposite direction.
I cant see why I would want to find ghosts, just to turn my skinny white ass around and propel it in the complete opposite direction of 'Ghost' ....
I know people ' get scared ' and have to run.. But seriously im so mad thinking about this again i just want to lay down a series of F words (good old Gordon Ramsey) .
In conclusion ,
If you have this uncontrollable desire to go 'ghost hunting' then its going to be hard to grow some brain cells...... So just grow some balls please.
OH and Vampires !
whats the deal with them . They only sleep when the sun comes up ? Surely they could turn into bats and follow the moon into different timezones ?
I can never enjoy scary movies, stupid logical brain.
Im not saying in all this , that i dont believe in ghosts, as I am sceptical. I beleive we are not ment to understand everything as a species or else we would do already, lol i could rant on and on (ok ok time to end this )
Super long rant over. I swear i never wrote this much at school !
bad luck/good luck?
So i wonder, do people believe in bad luck and good luck? Like black cats crossing your path = bad luck and a certain pair of undies = good luck and that kind of stuff?
I ask cuz i have a pal whose relationship broke up a day or so after a black cat crossed their path, not that she is stupid enough to think that was the cause.....but was it an omen of things to come...?? Or is that kind of thinking just asking for trouble, people will be constantly looking behind them and neurotically avoiding cracks on the pavement, etc...
On the flipside, i know people who wear a certain pair of boxers to any interviews they have and have gotten the job each time.....and i have it on good authority that yes, they are washed in between these interviews ;) they somehow think that is a helping hand/good luck. Could it just be that the positivity of the IDEA of those undies being a good thing helps them to do better in the interview subconsciously?
Is it just all coincidence, or is luck really a thing? I'm not a philosophical person, and i am rubbish at debating, but i just thought i'd throw that out there since i'm bored :)
What do YOU think??
Hey hey hey
Life goes on I guess, had a rant about the life in general and the youths behavior in particular but the previous post kinda put me off that. I read it with great interest.
Hope everyone is doing ok and that the sun is shining over you, I got 4 weeks vacation now so I guess it will rain every day. Who cares, the bikes run as smoothly in rain so it doesn't matter. LOL
Have a great one and I'll be back soon.
Charva neighbor tunes......
So I'm just sat here at the moment in front of my computer listening to a wacked out montage of music.....partly my own and partly crappy charva neighbor tunes coming thru my ceiling! Ha! It's a blend of bad pop/dance tunes muffled by the ceiling and my own choice of the minute Arctic Monkeys.....Brainstorm drowning out some random Scooter song, blah!
Oh, for anyone who isn't familir with what a charva is, according to Wikipedia:
Uhh......"striking dress sense"....heheh! Anyway, they are maybe similar to US "white trash" but not in a good way. And usually it's the charvas who throw bottles at harmless passer-bys and beat up old grannies going to collect their pension checks, along with begging everyone for cigarettes(cuz they are usually under-age to buy them) and generally being LOUD and obnoxious without caring who they bother. They love to blast Scooter tunes at ridiculously high volumes from their cars and/or mobiles and/or home stereos while having the windows wide's the mobile phone blasting i particularly enjoy listening to while on the metro - we all love a good Scooter sing-a-long while on public transport! Hehehe
So..... now that you've met my upstairs neighbors..... hehe.
It just makes me giggle really. I wonder if they like Arctic Monkeys? Who knows..... i may change their Scooter-loving ways with my variety of taste, i dare say they already like drum n bass due to it's bassy qualities(good for blasting). So we have that in common, and i probably wouldn't mind them blasting that once in a while, as long as it wasn't 3.30am on a Sunday night. Maybe i should slip them a cd under their door for their listening may just work in my favor! ;)
Maybe i should make it my goal to educate them on good-quality tunage.....then again, that'd be a HUGE job! i'll leave it to someone else for now....but beware Charva-neighbors, you MAY actually like what you hear coming at ya from below!
-Kenzie the Komplainer
The final countdown...
Then I work 1 week, maybe, have applied for another week off but not sure if I'm getting it... After that week I'm starting a 2 year education to become a sales assisant/sales manager, finally got my thumb out and gonna do something with my life, time to get out off this crappy job and become something when I'm grown up.
Been a hellish week so far, lots off papers have to be sent to different places... living in the phone... ALOT!