ranting and raving and carrying on....

"(This s a special moment right now,
We'd like to take this time to tell all the kids at home,
Send your parents out of the room this is a kid's song.)

Life's gonna suck when you grow up, When you grow up, when you grow up
Life's gonna suck when you grow up, It sucks pretty bad right now.

(Hey! If you know the words, Sing along!)

You're gonna hafta mow the lawn, Do the dishes, make your bed.
You're gonna hafta go to school until you're seven-teen.
(It's gonna seem about three times as long as that)

You're gonna hafta go to work, go to work, go to work,
Your boss'll be a big big jerk, a big big jerk, a big big jerk,
Your boss'll be a big big jerk in all of your career

You might have to go to war, shoot a gun, kill a nun.
You might have to go to war, when you get out of school.

(Hey cheer up kids, it gets a lot worse.)

You're gonna hafta deal with stress Deal with stress, deal with stress.
You're gonna be a giant mess When you get back from the war.
Santa Clause does not exist, and there's no Easter Bunny,
You'll find out when you grow up, that Big Bird isn't funny.
(funny, funny, hahahahaha!)

Life's gonna suck when you grow up, When you grow up, when you grow up
Life's gonna suck when you grow up, It sucks pretty bad right now.
You're gonna end up smoking crack, on your back, face the fact.
You're gonna end up hooked on smack, and then you're gonna die.
And then you're gonna die-ie-ie-ie-ie.

(Something for the kids, Well, I think I smell a lawsuit in that one, What do you think?)"

Not the original video, but you get a feel for the song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbXkjXKK6OE

Is this what life is all about? No, don't worry... not gonna get very deep at the moment.
Eat, shit, work and sleep... If you win the genetic tombola you might even get some offspring.

I just get tired with ppl blaming their fucked up lifes on everyone else... "I'm just not happy, that's why I'm hooked on smack, have a eatingdisorder, listen to deathmetal, write poetry, am depressed and cut myself in the arms"

Here's a little trade secret for ya all, especially those I described before...

If we went around being happy all the time we would get bored and therefore once again be unhappy, no human being can live in a 24/7 happiness mood. It would bore us to death.
We choose to live our sorry lifes in a way that gives us the less UNhappiness. Yes, it's true, we're all that fucked up in our heads. Lets face it, just take a step back and look in to yourselfs.

Is your lack off so called happiness just not a sign that you're so fucked up in your head that you need professional care?

Back to the example... (this is a few persons I've met in RL, both in my profession and on my time off)

Drug use is a sign off a weak personality... to be able to use a drug and keep control off our life is a good thing, it's a sign off discipline, to be hooked is a sign off mental weakness, you'er giving in to something.

Eating disoders... is just about the same as the drug use... uncertain ppl will go to not eating to become pretty and thin... everyone who has seen a anorectic nude will join me in puking the guts out behind the nearest corner.

Deathmetal is music made by ppl that can't play an instrument or sing, especially sing, it's pale, pimplefaced teens (even the musicians over 40 are teens) that needs to get a life... come on now... I can write a deathmetal song in 2 secs... infact, just take this text, push the mike down your throat and scream this text as loud as you can... it's a deathmetal tune.

Poetry... to write poetry about how miserable you are and put it up on internet for other fuck-ups like yourself to read is just pathetic, I've been reading some off this... shit... and it follows no rules... it follows no "beat" and it's just the same old texts... once again, I can write one off those miserable poems in 2 secs, in fact I wrote one while I was talking to one off these persons... in 1 minute, and sent it to her and she absolutely LOVED it... all I did was to write some shit about darkness and lonliness... 1 minute... that was it.

Depression... OFC you'll be depressed if you act like this! Is there any doubt what so ever? Get a fucking life! Get out there, join social activies like evening courses, start exercising, go to the beach, sit in the park and read a book... just stop sitting indoors in front off a computer all your free time, go to bed in a normal time and sleep your 8 hours a night and you WILL feel much better in the morning, accept life for what it is and RELAX! If this doesn't help, go to a shrink, get medication and try again. Nothing gets you more depressed then just giving up without a fight, don't you tell me about being depressed, I've been diagnosed with clinical depression for more years then most off you snotty pimpelfaced loosers has lived.

Self-cutting... Come on now, that is just a way to get attention and is a normal follow up to depression, here's a tip for ya, there are other ways to get attention and rebel. If your parents are highly educated lawyers or something with a healthy look on the equality between men and women, start listening to some rap artist that likes to call women hoe's... you get the picture...
If your parents are in to ecological shit... get a fuelguzzling car and so on... BE CREATIVE!

Come on now ppl... Life will suck, it always has and always will... that what makes us tick and fight on... lets just make the best off it.

I have more on the subject but no time atm... This text is written to a special person, I have no idea if that person will ever read it but to be honest, I don't give a fuck anymore.
