Here are a few advice from one married man to another....
1. NEVER start a sentence with the words "You're f%¤&ing mother", when you get to you better be running already.
2. When she says "we need to talk", set the house on fire, it's easier to deal with... because it means "You need to shut up while I tell you all the ways you've been screwing up lately". A man never needs to talk... unless he caught some dicease while out finish, I know it happened to me once.
3. Make sure you always get the last word in any discussion... it's simple... just say "Yes dear"
Other then that, just enjoy your life and have fun. :-)
Ok, I'm bored... what can I do at work to make the time pass?
1. shape my earwax to funny figures
2. see how much coffe I can drink before my eyes start to flicker
3. make paperplanes and do windtunneltest in front off the AC
4. enjoy a long spiritual conversation with myself
5. make prank calls to 911
6. write in this blog
7. try and catch a fly with 2 pencils, like Daniel-san in Karate kid
8............. BORING
ohwell, I'll be back later.
16 years ago
number 8 ,,,,, YES you can do more Boring to relieve the boredom matt :)
you really think that a overdose boredom will take away my boredom... something like sleepdep maybe, when you're so tired that you can't sleep. LOL
i think you defenitly need a hooby at work, or maybe actually do some bloody work :P
hey hey hey, calm down, no need to panic!
As long as they pretend to pay me I'm gonna keep pretending to work!
Who goes to work and actually work? You english sure are a funny ppl.
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