Life is...

filled with questions and a long list off answers, the problem is to find the correct answer to our questions... Sorta like in "The hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" (no, not that cheesy movie, the book)... when they build a computer to answer the big question, the one about life, the universe, everything! The computer thinks for 10 million years and the answer is 42! Because they havn't understood the question they need to build another computer, much larger, to find out what the question really meant.

A while back I was, as usual, brushing my teeth and happened to see the toothpaste tube, what in Gods name possesed them to put a clarifying text on how to properly use the tube on it? Are we all turning in idiots or is the company smarter then us? I don't know what scares me the most, the fact they have put it there or the fact that there might actually be people out there that needs the instruction? But I guess it's another step in the americanisation off the world, someone over there has probably sued a toothpaste company for some ridicilous amount off cash because they have hurt themself from inproper use off the toothpaste tube... who knows?
"Your honor, my client got a almost fatal injury after inserting a toothpaste tube off this brand in to her rectum, it doesn't say anywere on the tube that you shouldn't do it, therefore she's demanding 4000 billion dollars!"

It's like ppl suing the tobaccocompanies for getting lungcancer from smoking. WTH!!! Did the company send out a rep that held a gun to your head and forced to you to smoke until you where addicted? NO! It was a decision you made all by yourself, you better bite the bullet and live with the consequenses off your choises.

Ok, I admit, I'm in a naggin mood today, better give up for now.


1 comment:

Blunked said...

I have cream that says " for external use only " ... Does that mean i have to go out side to use it ?