to celebrate the biggest pagan ceremony/holiday off them all...
June 21 is midsummers eve, the shortest night on the year, here the sun goes down for an hour or so, further to the north it doesn't go down for 2 weeks.
This holiday we celebrate in the traditional viking way, in this day and age we're not to keen on killing animals to please the Gods so we have changed it to getting piss drunk and falling on our backs (Standard Swedish holiday celebration 101).
And the ppl in Hereford do nothing at all, a hint for all you that likes Monty Python...
So another 4 day weekend for me and a great excuse to get wasted, cya all when this is over, hopefully I still got enough braincells left for typing and putting sentences together.
16 years ago
killing our braincells much more acceptable then little puppies , enjoy mate :)
when you're hungover and you're reaching for that coffee matt , check this out 1st...
LOL, wzup with you and that coffe hate? You better stop listening to the ppl that tell you about this shit. Coffe is good for you. I gives you a nice breath, shiny hair, white teeth, sexual stamina and not to mention, makes the tool grow. Anything else is a big lie!!!!
You're fooled by the anti-coffe lobby, beware off them, they're the same ppl that said that smoking is bad for you. The same ppl that is talking about the globalwarming!
I'm gotta get a 1957 Cadillac Eldorado, hot pink, with whaleskin interior, baby seal eyes for headlights and a fuelconsumption that allows me to write rascistic graffiti with the fumes, drive all over the US, eating McD hamburgers in the old fashion non biodegradeable styrophone containers... and when I'm done sucking down those greaseball burgers I'm gonna toss the containers right out the side and wipe my mouth with the american flag and there ain't a god damn thing anyone can do about it, because we got the bomb! 2 words... Nuclear fucking weapons!
hungover and hyped... LOL
thats actually 3 words :)
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