>insert catchy title<

I'm having a wet dream every night! About this:
Feel free to call me what you want. LOL
I am and will always be a bikefreak. Freeride, uphill, downhill, xc, road.... ANYTHING that's me against the laws off nature.

If you don't know anything about biking, go to youtube and search for freeride or downhill vids, you will be amazed.
So many roads and hills, so much skin to tear and scartissue to grow. LOL

yes, I'm sitting at work and yes, I am bored once again... wish I could download PE to the workcomputer and spend my workdays doing some pixelated violence towards innocent creatures but no no, if they found out I would get fired, this job might be boring but the paycheck sure is nice so I better not. LOL

Time for a caffeine overdose...



Blunked said...

that is a sweet ride. Can i have one now please ?

Mr. Larsson said...

Just get in line m8... lol