The Factory will be back some day soon and is currently closed to refurbishment of order of the management.
I am seriously considering rallying for a 'repair the church roof fundraiser' soon
missing SL ...
and Photoshop :)
...and other pointless brain-food nonsense..
factory as in meaning this blog? or your SL workshop? Have you tried Adobe Elements? it's got almost everything as Photoshop has but cheaper cuz it's aimed at amature photographers rather then graphic designers i's epsecially great for editting photos!
Do we take "I´ll be back" as a thread? ;)
AAAAND... hurry up mate. ;)
SL is missing you as well.
Furthermore.. to save money, you wanna look at the gimp.
The new interface really rocks, its a lot better to use now, and there is not much gimp cannot do. It may be a bit more tricky to get what you want, but in the end its "your work", rather than just clicking some filterbuttons in ps.
i often dream about SL and what i will build upon my return , so sorry for the misleading title .
I will say at least this laptop being un-SL'ish <---(new word) has helped me just focus on my music as I can not do anything else. It has been a blessing in disguise as I am never focused on anything for more then a minute...
I looked into the elements and it still needs 2 ghz cpu , and a gb of ram, and 3 gb hard drive... So still not going to run too hot on this laptop ..
I love the concept of GIMP, i just am not willing to learn another interface as of this minute (excuse i know ). I love the fact PS does all the mathematical nonsense for you at a push of a button.
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