FINALLY IT ARRIVED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No im not talking about Matts beer belly baby .

My Authorization to Work card was in my hands yesterday after 63 day out of a possible 90.

Its here, lol so all i need to do is get a bloody job ! :P

I still cant believe it actually , as i opened the mail , at the mail box yesterday . I stopped 3 times on my bike to check it was actually there .

So im off out job hunting today .

that is all , thank you :)


Vixen78 said...

OMG!! That's awesome!! I'm so excited for you!! Nice to see that your paperwork arrived. Hopefully things will work as smoothly for me.

Good Luck with your job search!!!
*Big Hug* gratz!!!

Jacomo Beltran said...

hahahaha.. yay!

*gets whip out* FASTER FASTER!!!

welcome back to "serious life" ;)

*ducks and hides*

wtg mate, try applying as bankdirector.. should be a couple of vacancies there soon. ;)

Mr. Larsson said...

wtf are you waiting for?
Cut your hair and get a job ffs!

;-) Gratz m8, happy for ya.

Blunked said...

haha thanks guys , not quiet there yet , we had to goto the social security office yesterday so i can get a Social security number. THEN i can work as it seems the work card is not enough . A maximum 2 weeks for that ,so its time to get my ass off this chair :P