Well for $30 I ain't complaining.
The $30 dollars I got from sitting on my ass playing poker that is !

Got it off craigslist after I nearly bought an older bike , no suspension for $25.
Went to the guys house , I jumped on it , and nearly ate concrete after applying the breaks . As Over here they are wired up back to front ,and I nearly went screaming over the handlebars.
A few adjustments with a spanner and it will be ready to roll, and YES MATT !!!
good boy... not only have you got yourself a bike, you have also understood the fundamentals of cycling.... LESS IS MORE! No stands, no lights, no reflecting shite.... LOL
Never heard of the brand but it's something to start with.
Forgot one thing, cycling on tv now, the olympics and Sweden actually has a chance to take a medal or 2, maybe not in the mens road, but female road and men MTB.
Well the bike is minus all the reflectors and all the crapp X-TREME stickers. Just left with a nice Red and black bike, no one knows how crappy it is !
The next thing on my list is a nice pair of handle bar grips.
Its going to get me around far more then foot alone.
We was issued a flash flood warning yesterday here in vegas, so i didnt venture to far. I was out for about 10 minutes and my back and stomach was drenched in sweat :/
Womans cycling eh ? Schysta Rumpa !
Oh my, pride and joy today!
For the first time in 20 years Sweden has managed to take a medal in olympic cycling. Female Road race...
1. Nicole Cooke, UK
2. Emma Johansson, Sweden
Not a bad morning after all, lots of women in tight clothes and to top it off, a olympic silver for Sweden. *LOL*
You and womans cycling . I imagine you are like ( pardon the expression ) as happy as a Pig in shit ? lol
congrats on the silver !
UK won tho ? eh ? :P
Finally found a store where they sell cheap spanner for my bike seat too !!! woot .
Answer me this m8 , when i pull the front end up and the wheel comes off the ground . The shocks make a banging noise. I assume it is bottoming out and hitting on the casing, i dont see anything to adjust the tension tho . Any help ?
Ehhh, this happens when your wheel leaves the ground? Very strange... there might be 2 nobs... one on each shock... 1 for the lockout and the other for the tension... marked + and -... but that's for compression, not the release.
there can be a valve so you can add air to... need a special pump for it, check with a local bike dealer... or there might be some rubber thingy that should be placed inside (or spring) to stop this noise, might be worn out.
My advice is to talk to a bike mecanic if you don't feel capable to take it apart yourself.
There are many different shocks so it's hard to say.
...and we are tuning in now for our daily portion of bike mechanical talk.......
Glad you found a bargain bike - ride on!!!!
theres nothing , just some outer rubber things , nothing to adjust or anything . Im just putting it down to being a cheap ass bike , made in china. I would be to embarrassed to take it to a specialist lol.
And kenzie ! get a bloody bike :P
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