One For Kenze

At first i found this hilarious...

After watching a few of these, its kinda disturbing to think those people in the churches are not on drugs ....

Yoho, yoho yoho.

Southpoleside santa goes with the times.. re(indeer)spehhhct!

blah.. happy merry and stuff from jaco.

hope you have a good time you lot...

and hope santa brings blunked back to sl :)

happy holidays

Have a Good one guys , hope you have all been good this year ;)


dunno if i mentioned this , but last week i got made up to an offical keyholder / superviser manager type thingy.... a dollar and change more an hour , and guaranteed more hours . so Things are going well..... Well only after 2 days of opening on my own , i have encountered more disasters but , i'm keeping my head up ...

Hope ya'll doin swell too ;)