Welcome back...
As I was mentioning in the last blog entry, James and I went to City Hall to apply for our marriage license. We already set the time and date with the Justice of the Peace... filled out the paperwork and then was told, Sorry we hold the license for 3 days, today being Wednesday, it won't be ready until Monday
So we had 2 options.... Plan B.. we simply change the date so it's after Monday or...Plan C... we go to the court house, ask the Judge/Magistrate to waive the 3 day waiting period and we may get charged a fee, or we may not get charged a fee.
We toyed with Plan C.. went to the court house..Asked a few questions and was told that the fee would be $195.00
and if we felt that we could not afford to pay that, we could fill out a Financial Statement.
Good God!! Is that really necessary?!? All that extra paperwork and paying out $195 just to shave off 1 day. In the end, we went with Plan B... I called the JP and asked if he was available for Monday... Luckily he was able to squeeze us in at 7pm
James's parents will be driving down Sunday evening and they want to take us out to dinner Monday night. We'll will be taking a rain check on our Honeymoon... My job being the way it is... and money being tight, We'll have plenty of time to plan for that 
Once we are officially Married and we are Mr. & Mrs. Jambon
James can apply to be my Sponsor, hopefully get approved and then I can apply to get my Permanent Resident Card... *sigh*
The government sure doesn't make things easy. But it's their game, their rules and we have to play by their standards in order to live our lives the way we want.
It's not just a simple process where I can move up there once we are married, and start looking for a job. No, no, that would almost be too simple and the government couldn't suck out the extra money from our pockets. The truth is, if I didn't have to work, I would have made the big move months ago! Guess I better start playing the lottery then
Anyhoo... That's all I have to share for now...I'll come back with the Wedding Update.
As I was mentioning in the last blog entry, James and I went to City Hall to apply for our marriage license. We already set the time and date with the Justice of the Peace... filled out the paperwork and then was told, Sorry we hold the license for 3 days, today being Wednesday, it won't be ready until Monday
So we had 2 options.... Plan B.. we simply change the date so it's after Monday or...Plan C... we go to the court house, ask the Judge/Magistrate to waive the 3 day waiting period and we may get charged a fee, or we may not get charged a fee.
We toyed with Plan C.. went to the court house..Asked a few questions and was told that the fee would be $195.00
Good God!! Is that really necessary?!? All that extra paperwork and paying out $195 just to shave off 1 day. In the end, we went with Plan B... I called the JP and asked if he was available for Monday... Luckily he was able to squeeze us in at 7pm
Once we are officially Married and we are Mr. & Mrs. Jambon
The government sure doesn't make things easy. But it's their game, their rules and we have to play by their standards in order to live our lives the way we want.
It's not just a simple process where I can move up there once we are married, and start looking for a job. No, no, that would almost be too simple and the government couldn't suck out the extra money from our pockets. The truth is, if I didn't have to work, I would have made the big move months ago! Guess I better start playing the lottery then
Anyhoo... That's all I have to share for now...I'll come back with the Wedding Update.