I just need a job now , but im not really worried as I have always found work when I needed to in the past .
All the waiting has come to this day , of us waiting for the Authorization to work , then only a week on top of that for the Social card, 10 weeks in all since we filed the paper work . Its not been easy but we did it !
Applied to a few stores online , and will be hitting the streets tomorrow for a round of 'Job Hunter' , a bit like Steve erwin and the crocodile hunter i think , with out the cargo shorts tho ! The Americans think im Australian anyway so i'll have the theme tune in my head all tomorrow :)
So its been a bit quiet on here i know not much to report from this side of the web .
Oh i do have a placing at a recording studio for a trainee sound engineer , which sounds really impressive, but its not going to pay the bills immediately . I meet with the guy next sunday and will be training every sunday for 2 months or so. Then its down on me to get artists into the studio for me to get paid . Which sounds a bit crap, but its good experience for me and thats all i care for .
On more of the music front, i have been knocking the music out of my own studio for the last few months like a mad man . This month even saw me make some money for my work :O shock horror .
I got a good compliment on my music , and it kinda put me in motion to get on some websites and actually put it up for sale . So I have sold 7 mp3's as of me writing this ! You gotta start somewhere huh ;)
I actually released a few names under different genres on *drum roll *
' The Kamikaze Safety Gear Factory ' Recordings , hehe , so we are officially in business people ;)
Its all at www.beatsdigital.com blunked / niminal / nil / duckwax / harry hut . All my different styles upcoming on our label ! So keep posted, and if any of you would like any of my noise you know my msn name ;)
OH !
Gotta love craigslist.com too !

So just need a few more bits and im back in business !!!!
In reflection of recent months, i've never had such a slow pc that im unable to SL , EU , Photoshop and a whole host of other pc hungry applications , And yet I have been my most productive !
Weird huh
Just a quick thanks to all for keepin me sane over the struggle ! Congrats to Sav too 20 days and she is off to be married :)
Matt is in college , which is great news ! and he is enjoying WOW which is not so good ;)
Kenzie is about to take on the great north run marathon which is something i hope i can do someday .
Jaco .... well.... is jaco ^^